Here is a silly little game that is fully playable on paper with 2d6 but this version has little crab emojis and animations so is infinitely cooler probably. Give me more crab!

Short instructions:

Every turn you roll two dice, pick where to place your crab and then add it to one of the two ends of the crab chain. Don't let the chain cross itself; aim for maximum crabs or a crab cycle! You can change grid size and auto-roll the dice.

Long instructions:

Every turn you roll two dice and can use them in either order to place a crab in that row and column (so 4,2 can go to row 4 column 2 or row 2 column 4) and add it to the crab chain. If the crab chain crosses itself, it collapses into a black hole and all your crabs get eaten! If you fill the board or link the chain into a cycle, you win :)

When you roll, one or two transparent provisional crabs are placed on the board in the possible positions for this roll. If only one spot is free or if the two dice are the same there's only one crab. (If neither of the spot are available the dice are rerolled.) Click one of these, and then pick the end of the chain you want to add it to. If you change your mind you can click the provisional crab again to go back to picking one of the provisional crabs. 

If you roll dice that match one of the two chain ends, and if connecting the chain ends doesn't result in an intersection, the choice glows yellow and you can make a crab cycle! You don't have to pick it if you think you can get a longer cycle later.

You can set the dice to roll automatically instead of having to click to roll every time, by clicking the blue box that says "Autoroll". This doesn't place the crabs for you, it just saves you a click to roll. You can also change the grid size to between 3 and 15 by clicking the blue box with the number.


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This is super fun!